Clodagh Your Home, Your Sanctuary

Цена 33.67 - 36.93 USD

book24.ru33.67 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780847831609


Издатель Rizzoli

Вес 1.5 кг

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2008

This inspirational design book presents a multitude of ways to create a sanctuary in every room of the home. Known for her minimalist interiors that are infused with natural elements, Clodagh provides many solutions for tackling the complex demands of today"s living by addressing the senses with grace and beauty. She shows how to shape indoor and outdoor spaces that will free the mind and make a fulfilling tranquil environment. Whether it is a sensual bedroom, soothing spa bathroom, or a lively common room that can also be transformed into a quiet lounge, she provides ways to cleanse and balance spaces. A useful feature is her "Top Nine" visual checklist of essential design elements. With its beautiful photography, Your Home, Your Sanctuary is the ideal source for achieving a harmonious yet practical home. Формат: 23,5 см x 28,5 см.