Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children"s Memories of Previous Lives

Цена 40.12 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312321376


Издатель St. Martin's Press

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2005

An extraordinarily important examination of scientific research into young childrens reports of past-life memories (Larry Dossey, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things). This book covers forty years of research begun by Dr. Ian Stevenson. Written by his colleague and successor, it presents details of some of the 2500 cases of children who have reported memories of previous lives. The children usually begin talking about a past life at the age of two or three. They may talk about a previous family, things they did when they were big, or the way they died in their previous life. Their statements often correspond to a particular deceased individual, and some children have recognized family members of that person. Many children have birthmarks or defects that match wounds on the body of the deceased. Life Before Life presents this research in an unbiased manner. It is not intended to prove reincarnation but is an exploration of the possibility that consciousness...