How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts: A Reader-Response Study and Translation of the Mou-tzu Li-huo Lun

Цена 60.50 - 90.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780791422038


Страниц 240

Год выпуска 1994

This is the first English translation of the earliest Chinese Buddhist text, but it is more than a translation. Kcenan shows that Mou-tzu"s Treatise on Alleviating Doubt is a Buddhist hermeneutic on the Chinese classics. Using a reader-response method of examining the text, Kecnan shows how the rhetoric convinces readers that one can remain culturally Chinese yet be a Buddhist. The Introduction explains the reader-response methodology, develops the movement of the dialogue in terms of this method, and clarifies the rhetorical impact of Master Mou"s argument. The Introduction is followed by the thirty-seven articles of the text. Each article is first translated into English, then the contextual images and ideas are unpacked for each, and finally each article is subjected to a reader-response critique that shows what the argument accomplishes in each of its progressive steps. Формат: 15,5 см х 23,5 см.