The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor : Who Drifted on a Life Raft for Ten Days without Food or Water, Was Proclaimed a National Hero, Kissed by Beauty Queens, Made Rich Through Publicity, and Then Spurned by the Government and Forgotten for All Time

'On February 22 we were told that we would be returning to Columbia.' In 1955, eight crew members of Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were swept overboard. Velasco alone survived, drifting on a raft for ten days without food or water. Marquez retells the survivor's amazing tale of endurance, from his loneliness and thirst to his determination to survive. "The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor" was Marquez's first major, and controversial, work, published in a Colombian newspaper, "El Espectador", in 1955 and then in book form in 1970.