Absolute Beginner"s Guide to Home Schooling

Цена 12.17 - 24.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 29236732776, 9780789732774


Издатель Que

Страниц 336

Год выпуска 2005

Tens of millions of parents have decided that the best way to prepare their children for life is by educating them at home instead of at a traditional private or public school. No matter the reason you are considering homeschooling for your children"s education, Absolute Beginner"s Guide to Homeschooling outlines all of the legal, social, educational, and logistical considerations that are part of the decision. With helpful and easy-to-read advice about everything from building curricula and setting up a home school classroom, to incorporating extracurricular activities like sports and field trips, this book will provide valuable help and ways to expand your children"s homeschooling experience. Absolute Beginner"s Guide to Homeschooling will help you decide if homeschooling is the best choice for your children"s education and then guide you to the curriculum tools and community resources you need to make the most of at-home classes and activities. Here"s a small sample of what...