Exploring Marketing Research

Цена 45.39 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780324539028

Издатель South-Western, Thomson

Страниц 720

Год выпуска 2007

Why a needle in a haystack on the cover? This image presents a graphic analogy to the research process from many perspectives. How do you find the needle? Where do you start? Clearly, it would be helpful if you could discover better places to start searching and better techniques to help direct the search. Similarly, imagine trying to find a single piece of market information from the Internet. Like the needle, this information may well be hidden beneath piles and piles of irrelvant stuff! Or how about trying to find a key piece of market information that may be hidden in the mind of a consumer or some employee who isn"t consciously aware of all his or her reasons for some preference or some behavior and, consequently, can"t identify or talk about it? How do you go about finding this information that could be so crucial to making a good market decision? Searching for the needle is very much like searching for answers to market problems. Both can be very well hidden....