The Boy and His Death: A true story

Цена 19.95 - 30.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781450228411


Издатель iUniverse

Страниц 228

Год выпуска 2010

In the poignant memoir The Boy and His Death, a mother chronicles her three-year journey as her young son is diagnosed with and battles testicular cancer. Marga Beukeboom had never even heard of testicular cancer when her twenty-one-year-old son was diagnosed with the disease-even though testicular cancer is the most common cancer affecting young men between twenty and thirty-four years of age. While sharing the details behind Benjamin"s emotional and physical battle with cancer, she also records his courageous crusade to live life to the fullest while viewing his diagnosis as a blessing. As mother and son embark on a journey through a variety of therapies and treatments that take the pair from Texas to New York to Denmark to England and finally back to the small town of Baarn in the Netherlands, they learn together that there is more between heaven and earth than they ever imagined. The Boy and His Death is a compelling narrative intertwined with messages of hope and courage as one...