Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895
Цена 10.82 - 23.30 USD
I was invited to It collection of oujects for the Xatioual ~ruseum, iJlustmting the aI"cheology of tho Southwest, especia.11y that phaso of pueul0 lifo pertaining to tlle socalled cliff houses. I wns specially "urgod to make as large a collf-ction as possible, and the choice of locality wa.s generously left to my Uiscretion. Leaving Washington on the 25th of May, I obtailled a, collectiolJ and rcturnetl with it to that city on the 16tli of Septell,lber, baving spent three montus ill the field. "I"he material brought back by tho expedition was catalogucd undor !)()(j on tries, numbering somewlIat over 11 thousalld specimeus. The majority of these ohjectR aro ti110 examples of mol"tnary pottery of oxcellent character, fully 500 "of which are decorated. I was particularly fortunate in my scientific collaborators. MI" F. W. Hodge, of t