Dinner with a Terrorist
Цена 12.99 - 21.59 USD
When you hear the word interrogator, do you imagine a room with blinding lights and cold cement walls, grim-faced men in dark suits, and trays of sinister instruments for torture? You might be surprised to find the true story of American interrogators is not even close to these stereotypes. Join James Rosone as he describes how Dinner with a Terrorist led to uncovering secrets from some of the darkest, most evil men in the world. While serving in Iraq, Rosone walked through the valley of the shadow of death, endured unimaginable psychological strain, and saw and heard things that no human should ever be exposed to. He uncovered Al Qa"ida plots against America and directly saved American and Iraqi lives. He fought a military cover-up, Iraqi corruption, and mastered the art of interrogating through simple conversations and non-coercive techniques. Dinner with a Terrorist shows firsthand what really happens overseas in those interrogator booths. Find out how one man made a difference in...