Неоклассицизм (на английском языке)

Цена 16.59 - 29.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780714833699


Издатель Phaidon Press

Страниц 448

Год выпуска 2011

Art & Ideas The period of Neoclassicism in the visual arts was an age of Classical revival, drawing directly on antiquity itself. At a time when archaeologists were making fresh dicoveries and The Grand Tour of ancient sites in the Mediateranian was in vogue, Neoclassicism flourished and spread in all directions as far as St Petersburg, Philadelphia and Sydney. Neoclacissism was the favourite style of Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson and became the most pervasive stle in the history of European art. David Irwin"s text provides insight into the richness and variety of the movement and embraces all manifestations of Neoclassicism from its broad territorial scope to its appeal for every branch of art.