How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market

In Just 18 Months, Nicolas Darvas Turned $25,000 into Over $2 Million... This is How He Did It... ...and How You Can Do it Too! With just fifty pounds sterling to his name, at the age of 23, Nicolas Darvas fled his native Hungary using a forged exit visa, to escape the Nazis. A dancer by trade, he toured nightclubs and other venues, making a living as a performer. While on tour in 1952, a Toronto nightclub offered Darvas $3000 worth of stock in a Canadian mining company, instead of his normal cash payment. He accepted the offer, and within two months, made an $8000 profit. When this happened, Darvas became very interested in the stock market. Seeing the potential for easy money in the stock market, but realizing that his initial success was based on luck, over the next several years, Darvas became committed to conquering Wall Street. He read as much as he possibly could about the stock market. He analyzed company balance sheets, studied analyst forecasts,...