Switchmode RF Power Amplifiers

Цена 102.00 - 102.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780750679626

Издатель Newnes

Страниц 376

Год выпуска 2007

A majority of people now have a digital mobile device whether it be a cell phone, laptop, or blackberry. Now that we have the mobility we want it to be more versatile and dependable; RF power amplifiers accomplish just that. These amplifiers take a small input and make it stronger and larger creating a wider area of use with a more robust signal. Switching mode RF amplifiers have been theoretically possible for decades, but were largely impractical because they distort analog signals until they are unrecognizable. However, distortion is not an issue with digital signalslike those used by WLANs and digital cell phonesand switching mode RF amplifiers have become a hot area of RF/wireless design. This book explores both the theory behind switching mode RF amplifiers and design techniques for them. Provides essential design and implementation techniques for use in cma2000, WiMAX, and other digital mobile standards. Both authors have written several articles on...