Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring Leadership Continuity And Building Talent From Within
Цена 82.29 USD
When key employees and executives move on -- whether expectedly or unexpectedly -- organizations had better have a good succession plan in place. The most comprehensive and authoritative book on the subject, Effective Succession Planning has helped countless companies develop strong succession programs and avoid major disruptions. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest trends and best practices, the book presents strategies for identifying competencies, clarifying values, assessing current and future needs, and creating a complete, systematic succession planning program. The third edition also features all-new material reflecting the author"s surveys on: * whole system transformation * software support packages * tapping retirees to manage succession crises * the growing activism of boards in succession planning * and more The book includes a new diagnostic tool to assess specific succession needs, illuminating case studies, and a CD-ROM...