Introduction to Networks and Networking, Student Edition
Цена 100.55 - 102.91 USD
Introduction to Networks and Networking is a complete guide that describes types of networks, how networking affects society, and the components and tools that are used to create networks in various business models. The student edition is filled with step-by-step exercises , standards-aligned content and activities , projects, cross-curricular exercises, feature articles, and careerA‚A links. Based on independent and in-house reviews of state standards, courseA‚A outlines, and competitor materials, Glencoe can offer unique networkingA‚A textbook that provides real-world explanations and approaches along withA‚A hands-on applications and purposeful projects. Integration of core academics, where appropriate, reinforces state and national standards. Also included in this highly visual book are topics such as networkingA‚A careers, ethics , and practical tips for improving productivity . TheA‚A companion Web site...