Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 and Adobe Premiere Elements 4 Classroom in a Book Collection
Цена 64.99 - 68.98 USD
This collection combines Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 Classroom in a Book and Adobe Premiere Elements 6.0 Classroom in a Book into one affordable volume. Each chapter in these step-by-step, project-based guides contains a project that builds on the reader"s growing knowledge of the program, while end-of-chapter review questions reinforce each lesson. Readers will learn how to use the programs" many new features, including Photomerge, Smart Albums, step-by-step editing assistance, and amazing photo-blending technology in Photoshop Elements 6. Premiere Elements 4 now includes the same Organizer that"s included with Photoshop Elements, making it easy to visually tag video clips and photos to categorize by people, places, or events. Premiere Elements 4 also includes new Movie Themes, a new Sharing Center, world-class Adobe fonts for video titling, the ability to upload videos directly to YouTube, and more. Издание на английском языке.