Life of George Washington: Volume 2
Цена 12.55 - 26.95 USD
Classic Reprint N tlie 3d of July, tlie morning after liis arrival at Cambridge, Washington took formal command of tlie army. It was drawn up on the common about half a mile from head-quarters. A multitude had assembled there, for as yet military spectacles were novelties, and the camp was full of visitors, men, women, and children, from all parts of the country, who had relatives among the yeoman soldiery. An ancient elm is still pointed out, under which Washington, as he arrived from head-quarters accompanied by General Lee and a numerous suite, wheeled his horse, and drew his sword as commander-in-cliief of tlie armies. Accompanied by this veteran campaigner, on v/hose military judgment he had great reliance, Washington yisited the different American posts, and rode to the heights, commanding views over Boston and its environs, being anxious to make himself acquainted with the strength and relative position of both armies: and here v/e will give a few particulars concerning the...