In the Presence of the Poor: Changing the Face of India

Цена 22.83 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781606570128


Страниц 176

Год выпуска 2009

Why does God make so many poor people? That is the question that Dr. Vijayam, PhD, recipient of India"s highest national science award, kept asking as he grew up. He could not get over the suffering, despair and seeming hopelessness all around him in India. It eventually led him to embrace Marxist Communism as a hope for the poor. In this deeply moving account, you will be profoundly challenged through the life of one man who, after giving his life over to Christ, took his Godgiven talents with his training and experience and then got to work right where he was for such a time as this. Reaching across the deep cultural chasms of caste and class, Dr. Vijayam pioneered the idea of harnessing technology for the poor and using it in combination with cuttingedge microenterprise concepts. He and his wife worked to free those enslaved as bonded laborers. To fulfill his vision of seeing the Gospel spread to each of the 4,000 unreached people groups in India, Dr. Vijayam established a...