сер./Henri Cartier-Bresson.Propos de Paris авт. англ.

Paris - the city and its people - pervaded Henri Cartier-Bresson's work from the moment he exchanged his paintbrushes tor a camera in the 1920s, "A Propos de Paris" presents the photographer's personal selection of more than 130 of his best photographs of Paris, taken over fifty years, As ever, his vision transforms photojournalism into high art, revealing images of the city with a rare, dreamlike, almost crystalline clarity. He unfolds before our eyes a kind of intellectual reconstruction of Paris, reaching far beyond the cliches of tourism and popular myth, Accompanying texts by Vera Feyder and Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues discuss the history of Cartier-Bresson's engagement with the city and its place in his achievement, This is a unique gallery of urban landscapes rendered by a great sensibility - Cartier-Bresson's homage to the place that was perhaps closest to his heart.