The 3rd 100 Best Things I"ve Sold on Ebay...Ka-Ching! My Story Continues by Lynn Dralle The Queen of Auctions

Цена 11.95 - 20.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780976839316


Издатель All Aboard

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2007

The eagerly anticipated third volume in the "100 Best Things I"ve Sold on eBay" series is here! You"ll be hooked by Lynn"s engaging stories of her most interesting eBay transactions. While many marvel at the prices people will pay for the stranges things on eBay, Lynn understands that for many it is because of an emotional connection with the object up for auctions. It is that connection that makes for the entertaining, touching, and inspiring stories of her eBay adventures.