Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2008 Instruction

Цена 59.95 - 103.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585033850


Страниц 800

Год выпуска 2007

Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2008 Instruction is specifically designed to be used in a one or two credit introduction to engineering graphics course. It covers the main topics of engineering graphics, including tolerancing and fasteners, and gives engineering students a basic understanding of how to create and read engineering drawings. A two credit class should be able to cover all the topics presented in this book. A one credit class should be able to cover the basic topics. Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2008 is designed to encourage students to interact with the instructor during lecture. It has many "instructor led" and "in class student" exercises that require student participation. Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2008 gives students a basic understanding of how to create and read engineering drawings by presenting principles in a logical and easy to understand manner and by having students work through a series of exercises.