Video: The Reflexive Medium

Цена 42.25 - 43.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780262195669


Издатель The MIT Press

Страниц 371

Год выпуска 2008

Winning entry, Professional Cover/Jacket Category, in the 2008 New England Book Show sponsored by Bookbuilders of Boston. Video is an electronic medium, dependent on the transfer of electronic signals. Video signals are in constant movement, circulating between camera and monitor. This process of simultaneous production and reproduction makes video the most reflexive of media, distinct from both photography and film (in which the image or a sequence of images is central). Because it is processual and not bound to recording and the appearance of a "frame," video shares properties with the computer. In this book, Yvonne Spielmann argues that video is not merely an intermediate stage between analog and digital but a medium in its own right. Video has metamorphosed from technology to medium, with a set of aesthetic languages that are specific to it, and current critical debates on new media still need to recognize this. Spielmann considers video as "transformation...