Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage

Цена 44.88 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781931836401

Издатель Syngress

Страниц 333

Год выпуска 2005

FROM THE FOREWORD BY STEVE WOZNIAK "The Apple ][ was really the computer designed from the ground up that would kick off personal computing on a large scale. But the Apple I took the biggest step of all. Some very simple concepts are very hard to do the first time. This computer told the world that small computers should never again come with geeky front panels, but rather with human keyboards, ready to type on." 1. BUILD IT What"s a little dried blood on the breadboard? A small price to pay for having some fun with multimeters, logic probes, wire-wrap tools, soldering irons, TTL chips, circuit boards, chip pullers, and straighteners. 2. PROGRAM IT Tough guys don"t code with Visual Studios and Object Libraries. They program their hardware the most efficient and difficult way possible: assembly language. 3. PLAY WITH IT Once you"re done, begin writing software and modifying the hardware design. The results will both impress and scare your friends....