Weather Tracker: Backyard Meteorologist"s Logbook

Цена 30.60 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780764135699


Издатель Barron's Educational Series

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2007

Amateur meteorologistsa€”as well as everybody else who is interested in understanding the dynamics of weathera€”will find what theya€™re looking for in this meteorology primer and daily logbook. An expertly written text explains the fundamentals of meteorology to beginners and offers interesting pointers on weather prediction to more experienced weather watchers. It also lists the forecasting equipment that home meteorologists will need, including a barometer, thermometer, and a simple device for measuring wind speed and direction. Readers will find explanations of the different cloud types, information on what kinds of weather they indicate, tips on measuring precipitation, instruction on reading a weather map, and advice on predicting thunderstorms and other weather phenomena. A 104-page logbook section (52 two-page spreads) provides space for charting weather-related data for a full calendar year. Weather Tracker is printed in two colors and features more than 60 enlightening...