Requiem for Rome

Цена 37.72 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781588462701

Издатель White Wolf Publishing

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2007

This book includes: Everything you need to play "Vampire: The Requiem" from the earliest nights of Rome to the ruination of Kindred society, including new blood magic and a new clan! A grotesque and beautiful new vision of Ancient Rome through the eyes of vampires - full of bloody passion, mystical intrigue, and glorious battle. The secrets of the ancient undead, revealed at last! Learn the truth about the Camarilla, claim rule over the vampire city called Necropolis, and confront the wicked and terrifying monsters that prey on the undead - the Strix! Формат издания: 22 см х 28,5 см.