Dilbert"s Guide To The Rest Of Your Life: Dispatches from Cubicleland
Цена 11.00 - 22.36 USD
This hilarious new book from cartoonist Scott Adams--the acknowledged master at skewering corporate culture--is as perfect for the office neophyte as the hardened survivor. Laugh as Dilbert, a thirty-something electrical engineer and poster boy for the "corporately disenfranchised", battles his blockhead boss, pinhead coworkers, and his cynical, cunning pet, Dogbert. You"ll also meet the Boss, every employee"s worst nightmare; coworker Wally, who is forever trying to avoid work; Alice, the solo female engineer in Dilbert"s department who has been known to rip people"s hearts out; and Catbert, the Human Resources Director who likes to tease employees before downsizing them. "Dilbert"s Guide To The Rest Of Your Life: Dispatches from Cubicleland" contains the best of seven years worth of Dilbert comics, organized around familiar workday themes. It"s a great gift for graduates who are new to corporate culture, as well as diehard fans who read Dilbert to survive.