Fun Bible Sudoku

Цена 17.61 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781597894685

Издатель Barbour Publishing

Страниц 288

Год выпуска 2007

Mix the worldwide popularity of sudoku with Barbour"s specialty of Bible trivia, and what do you get? "Fun Bible Sudoku"! This brand-new book of 150 puzzles will challenge players on two levels-in their knowledge of the Bible and in their skills of logic in solving the puzzles. Number-based puzzles require the placement of "givens" by answering Bible trivia questions. Letter-based puzzles are drawn from words and phrases in scripture. Solving the puzzles is accomplished by careful logic or good old trial and error. Answers are provided. For the best of both worlds-sudoku and Bible trivia - get "Fun Bible Sudoku"!