Cat Getting Out of a Bag and Other Observations

Цена 9.73 - 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780811858229

Брэнд Chronicle Books


Издатель Chronicle Books

Страниц 108

Год выпуска 2007

Celebrated comic artist and graphic novelist Jeffrey Brown"s collection of all - new drawings sweetly illustrates the joys of living with a cat. Featured in McSweeney"s and on NPR"s This American Life, and praised by comic luminaries Chris Ware and Daniel Clowes, Brown"s work has always paid tribute to felines as they curl up on couches and purr on the peripheries of his autobiographical stories. "Cat Getting Out of a Bag and Other Observations" follows his cat Misty really, any cat as she goes about her everyday activities and adventures. In a series of drawings, Brown perfectly captures the universal charm of cats in a lovely book sure to please fans and cat lovers of any stripe.