The Illustrated AutoCAD 2007 Quick Reference (Illustrated AutoCAD Quick Reference)

Цена 92.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781418048921


Страниц 928

Год выпуска 2006

No other AutoCADA® reference guide on the market is more up-to-date or provides details for as many commands and functions as this comprehensive resource. Ideal for beginner through advanced students, as well as programmers and managers alike, The Illustrated AutoCADA® 2007 Quick Reference catalogs all standard AutoCADA® commands in alphabetical order, briefly describing the function of each command and its options. Every listing includes cross-references to related commands, system variables, and/or files, taking the guesswork out of executing AutoCADA® commands to their potential. All methods of accessing each command are featured, as well as commands not documented by AutodeskA®.