Chicken Coops: 45 Building Plans for Housing Your Flock
Цена 13.30 - 32.62 USD
Easy-to-care-for, productive, inexpensive, and full of personality, chickens are popping up in backyards throughout the country—in the suburbs, rural towns, and even on city plots. All it takes to keep a small flock is a bit of land and a properly designed coop. Just like houses, chicken coops come in all sizes and styles to meet the needs of any chicken family. Author Judy Pangman has combed the country identifying the top chicken coop designs, from utilitarian to high-style. The result is this ultimate collection of 45 building plans that are sure to meet the needs of any chicken owner. The featured designs include basic easy-to assemble hoop houses, A-frames, and multi-storied wooden structures, as well as larger models for small commercial farms. There are also a variety of moveable coops that can be rotated around the yard, and low-budget coops constructed from found and repurposed materials. Pangman shares inspirational and instructive stories about...