William Henry Fox Talbot

Цена 26.75 - 39.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780714841984

Брэнд Phaidon Press


Издатель Phaidon Press

Страниц 128

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 220x275

William Henry Fox Talbot was the founder of modern photography and a key intellectual figure of his time, working in fields as diverse as botany, physics, mathematics, archaeology and literature. This book provides an extraordinary view into the origins of photography - returning to the moment when photography was invented and taking us on a visual journey through Talbot"s experiments, frustrations and successes as he perfected his craft and amazed his friends and colleagues. Talbot experimented with photography throughout his life, making pioneering images of his home, Lacock Abbey, portraits of family and friends, and still lifes of plant specimens, pieces of lace, and many other objects of the time. In addition to covering his entire career, the images selected reflect the care and wonder of their inventor and revive the beauty and mystery of the photographs themselves.