Great Ideas of the Renaissance (Renaissance World)

Цена 8.06 - 13.97 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780778746164

Брэнд Crabtree Pub


Страниц 32

Год выпуска 2009

This breathtaking new series from Crabtree brings to life the people and events of the Renaissance! Young readers will be enthralled as they follow Europe"s cultural transformation through the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. Delightful drawings illustrate the artistic, scientific, and societal changes and developments of this amazing era. "Great Ideas of the Renaissance" surveys the major advances that were made in art, architecture, sculpture, science, medicine, transportation, and culture. Merchants, monarchs, and religious leaders all promoted and encouraged creativity, and artists, scientists, and great thinkers pushed back the frontiers of philosophy, the arts, mathematics, and technology.