Antoine Predock Architect / Архитектор Антуан Предок
Цена 21.24 - 95.10 USD
КНИГА.ру21.24 USD
Albuquerque-based Antoine Predock is generally acknowledged as the premier architect practicing in the Southwest, although he also has projects in Denmark, France, Spain, and Morocco. He is known for a philosophical ethos that does not privilege architecture over environment, but fosters a relationship in which a building is analogous to the landscape in which it is set.Predock"s use of such natural materials as adobe and sand-colored stone demonstrate an appreciation for local historical precedent as well as a concern for environmental soundness; however, he is in the vanguard in his use of the most technologically advanced methods of construction. Drawing from the pulse of the land, Predock"s work embraces uniqueness of site, referencing local history, culture, myths, and people. This monograph features his latest work, including Highland Ponds, in Aspen; Austin City Hall, in Texas; the Tacoma Art Museum; and Shadow House, in Santa Fe, among others.Antoine Predock has taught at...