Painting Nature: Discover The Delightful Details Of Nature
Цена 24.99 - 41.59 USD
Book DescriptionFrom a perfectly posed butterfly to a delicately tinted leaf to tiny eggs in a bird"s nest, realistic natural details enhance a painting"s appeal. Now internationally-acclaimed artist and teacher Peggy Harris shares with painters: -Smart techniques, such as using isolation windows, to single out and really see tiny, fascinating elements of nature -Tips on how to accurately portray an array of subjects, including ladybugs, dragonflies, frogs, wildflowers, vines and more -Short paintingdemos featuring common flora and fauna found in woods and forests, ponds and streams, and meadows and hills, so painters can create their own scenes -6 vignettes, showing readers how to put the details together Painting Nature with Peggy Harris inspires readers" imaginations while giving them the techniques they need to paint attractive and convincing nature scenes.