Marshall Mcluhan-Unbound

Цена 35.00 - 62.59 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781584230519

Издатель Gingko Press

Страниц 300

Год выпуска 2005

The essay is for exploring; the book, for explaining. Such was McLuhan"s philosophy about these two forms. The essay is the freer form and one better suited to exploration than the longer meditation, the book. Traditionally, when a writer published a new piece, the publisher would send a couple of copies of the magazine plus ten or a dozen copies of just the article with the mag"s cover offprints to be given to friends, students, colleagues. This startling new series puts the reader in the place of colleague and co-researcher. Instead of giving the reader just another collection of articles and interviews, McLuhan Unbound gives you offprints of the original essays. You experience the feel of the ideas when they were fresh. The offprint is more portable than the book, and so lends itself to being carried around and read and discussed more easily than books. Here the reader can experience the full range of McLuhan"s interests, the full scope and application of his techniques of...