Sempe: Mixed Messages
Цена 24.95 - 45.77 USD
Jean-Jacques Sempe is one of the most successful and best-loved cartoonists in the world, best known from his cartoons that have graced the covers and pages of the New Yorker for decades. Sempe has published numerous collections of his work in his native France, but never before have they been translated into English. Phaidon Press is delighted to present the first English translated publication of Mixed Messages by Jean-Jacques Sempe, one of four witty and beautifully illustrated collections from this notorious and widely adored cartoonist. The most recent collection of Sempe"s work, Mixed Messages was originally published in France in 2003. Here Sempe turns his attention to the trappings of modern life, from cell phones to designer water, and revisits some of his favorite subjects, such as struggling artists, a look psychiatrists and unhappy couples. One image portrays two business men in conversation, traveling down a cit street aboard personal scooters, ironically wondering...