Unsettling Encounters: First Nations Imagery in the Art of Emily Carr
Цена 107.65 USD
Unsettling Encounters radically re-examines Emily Carr"s achievement in representing Native life on the Northwest Coast, and her goals and achievements in representing Native villages and totem poles in her paintings and writings. Reconstructing a neglected body of Carr"s works that was central in shaping her vision and career makes possible a new assessment of her significance as a leading figure in the history of early twentieth-century Modernism. Unsettling Encounters includes a vivid recreation of the rapidly changing historical and social circumstances in which Carr painted and wrote. She lived and worked in British Columbia at a time when the growing settler population was rapidly taking over and developing the land and its resources. Gerta Moray argues that Carr"s work takes on its full significance only when it is seen as a conscious intervention in settler-Native relations. She examines the work in relation to the images of Native peoples that were then being constructed...