Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture
Цена 175.00 - 257.05 USD
Indicators of child and youth well-being are indispensable tools for improving the lives of children. In this book, the nation"s leading development researchers review the recent progress made in the measurement, collection, dissemination, and use of indicators of child and youth well-being. In addition, they identify opportunities for future research to expand and improve on the indicator data available, so as to develop greater measures of positive development. The first eleven chapters cover key indicators in the areas of health, education, social, and emotional development and then social context indicators of the family, peers, school, and the community. The book then goes on to demonstrate the use of indicators for influencing policy at the state and local levels. One chapter discusses how social indicators were used to guide welfare reform and another recounts the use of the indicators to guide local planning. The volume concludes with a discussion of summary indices...