What Would Wally Do?: A Dilbert Treasury (Dilbert Books (Paperback Andrews McMeel))

Цена 12.54 - 26.24 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780740757693


Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2006

When it became syndicated in 1989, Dilbert struck a nerve with workers everywhere. Through its frames they saw life on the job as they knew it, with all the absurdity, craziness, and dry humor that underlies any living, breathing organization. The fact that the strip focused on a hapless engineer and his cynical dog just made it all the more funny. Now work life seems downright unimaginable without Dilbert and Dogbert"s take on everything from management ill-practices to nonperformance reviews. What Would Wally Do?, AMP"s twenty-sixth Dilbert book, delivers that same combination of pain and humor that readers count on. This collection especially highlights Wally, Dilbert"s colleague, fellow engineer, foil, and fool. Wally"s that short quirky guy with little hair, plenty of horn-rimmed frames, and almost zero work ethic. After all, who"s got time for a job, thinks the self-proclaimed "Lord Wally the Puppet Master," when you"re busy surviving the "Mobility Pool," turning your...