The Complete Guide to Cigars

Цена 21.22 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781407516042

Брэнд Parragon Inc


Издатель Parragon

Страниц 176

Год выпуска 2008

From rolling to purchasing to understanding the political and commercial importance of this valuable commodity, "The Complete Guide to Cigars" provides a fascinating insight into the world of cigars. Chapter one explains the history of tobacco and cigars. Chapter two provides an in-depth look at cigars themselves: how they are made, the difference between hand-rolled and machine-made cigars, the recognized sizes and shapes, what to look for in a cigar, and how to store, revive, and smoke them. The final chapter is a comprehensive directory of the major brands of cigar that includes detailed information on the manufacturer, sizes, flavor, boxes, and bands. Формат издания: 15 см х 26 см.