To Die Well: Your Right to Comfort, Calm, and Choice in the Last Days of Life

Цена 11.71 - 16.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780738211633

Издатель Da Capo

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2008

A leader in the rigiht-to-die movement, Wanzer advocates measures that allow patients to control decisions about end-of-life treatment and ensure a peaceful death. With the help of Harvard Medical School faculty member Glenmullen ("The Antidepressant Solution"), Wanzer, himself the former head of Harvard University Law School Health Services, provide clear legal and medical guidelines for the terminally ill and their loved ones who are facing these decisions. Drawing on case histories, the author outlines the rights of patients, advises them on how to appoint a health care proxy and on ways to refuse unwanted treatments. Wanzer also supports opting for only comfort care, in which the focus is on minimizing pain and making patients comfortable. . Although he empasizes the need to differentiate between a terminally ill patient"s rational decision to end his or her life and suicidal depression, Wanzer argues that when someone is in uncontrollable pain with no hope of improvement,...