Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations: Psychological Implications for Democracy in Global Context
Цена 47.95 - 90.90 USD
How can we best manage cultural diversity and avoid intergroup conflict and terrorism in this fast-changing world? In "Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations: Psychological Implications for Democracy in Global Context", author Fathali M. Moghaddam applies current psychological theories on intergroup relations to a variety of cultures and conflicts across the globe. While focusing primarily on the effect of globalization and how it facilitates cultural homogenization, Moghaddam examines what psychological research and theory can teach us about democracy and policies for managing diversity. Moghaddam skillfully crafts an argument for implementing contextualized democracy, that is, the use of local cultural symbols and meaning systems as a way of strengthening democratic trends and bringing into place a democratic state. The book also explores the large-scale migration of refugees fleeing international conflict as well as the effects of 9/11 and the violent conflicts that have...