Memory Power: You Can Develop a Great Memory-America"s Grand Master Shows You How

Цена 10.19 - 20.09 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780743272681


Издатель Free Press

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2007

Good Memory Isn"t a Gift, It"s a Skill You Can Develop. "Memory Power" Shows You How. Ever forget where you put your car keys? Or forget a name five seconds after meeting someone? Blank in the middle of a presentation or test? Forgetting is normal but it"s not inevitable. "Memory Power" provides the solution to unleash your inner genius. Scott Hagwood is a four-time National Memory Champion, but he wasn"t born with photographic recall. At age thirty-six he underwent radiation treatment for cancer, which his doctors warned might cause memory loss. Hagwood was determined to beat the odds, so he began to stretch and work his memory like a muscle. He soon learned that simple daily memory drills could restore and even boost his ability to remember faces, numbers, and text. His exercise plan was so effective that eventually his brain began to change physically, becoming more efficient in areas associated with memory. Now Hagwood shares with you the...