The Flower Healer
Цена 26.71 USD
Flower essences are natural remedies that heal by re-balancing mind, body, and spirit. Made by bathing flowers in spring water in the light of the sun or moon, essences work by raising our vibrational energy to the perfect pitch of a flower. Taking a flower essence is like making your body hum to the tune of well-being. The "Flower Healer," the first book by healer and flower-essence pioneer Barbara Olive, profiles more than 150 readily available flower and tree essences and explains how using them is so simple--a few drops under the tongue or in the bath, or misting your personal space, is all you need to do to begin your journey to better health. The A to Z Symptom Finder, based on Barbara"s extensive practical experience, features a host of flower essences for both physical and emotional healing. With this guide, you will benefit from the perfect energy at the heart of every flower. *The A to Z Symptom Finder provides a directory of treatments for over 150 ailments, from anxiety to...