William Faulkner: Novels 1926-1929: Soldiers" Pay / Mosquitoes / Flags in the Dust / The Sound and the Fury (Library of America)

Цена 26.53 - 66.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781931082891


Страниц 1170

Год выпуска 2006

The Library of America edition of the novels of William Faulkner culminates with this volume presenting his first four, each newly edited, and, in many cases, restored with passages that were altered or (in the case of Mosquitoes) expurgated by the original publishers. This is Faulkner as he was meant to be read. In these four novels we can track Faulkner"s extraordinary evolution as, over the course of a few years, he discovers and masters the mode and matter of his greatest works. Soldiers" Pay (1926) expresses the disillusionment provoked by World War I through its account of the postwar experiences of homecoming soldiers, including a severely wounded R.A.F. pilot, in a style of restless experimentation. In Mosquitoes (1927), a raucous satire of artistic poseurs, many of them modeled after acquaintances of Faulkner in New Orleans, he continues to try out a range of stylistic approaches as he chronicles an ill-fated cruise on Lake Pontchartrain. With the sprawling...