Pushkin"s Fairy Tales: Palekh Painting

внесерийное издание Палех - единственное место в мире, где еще жива дивная сказка той поры русской культуры, когда ее искусство имело мировое значение. Отличительные черты палехских миниатюр - живопись по черному фону, обработанному прозрачным лаком до зеркального блеска, сложность многофигурных композиций, подробное раскрытие сюжета. Излюбленные мотивы росписи - былины, русские народные сказки, сюжеты деревенской жизни, мотивы произведений великих писателей. Alexander Pushkin is a great Russian poet and novelist, the creator of modern literary Russian. A genius of poetry, he embodied Russian national consciousness and became the pride of his country. Pushkin"s books are printed in millions of copies; his works have been translated into all major languages.An important part of Pushkin"s literary heritage is his fairy tales, which are based on Russian folklore.Pushkin"s tales have always been a favourite subject matter for the painting school of Palekh, a famous old centre of icon-painting and lacquer miniature.The fantastically beautiful miniatures by the Palekh masters adorn jewellery boxes, plaques, powder cases and other artefacts made of papier-mache. They enchant the viewer as a precious amalgam of shining vibrant colours on an enigmatic black background, lit up by the sparkles of lacework golden ornament.