Camus at "Combat": Writing 1944-1947

Цена 38.61 - 56.56 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780691120041

Брэнд Princeton Univ Pr


Страниц 378

Год выпуска 2005

Paris is firing all its ammunition into the August night. Against a vast backdrop of water and stone, on both sides of a river awash with history, freedom"s barricades are once again being erected. Once again justice must be redeemed with men"s blood. Albert Camus (1913-1960) wrote these words in August 1944, as Paris was being liberated from German occupation. Although best known for his novels including The Stranger and The Plague , it was his vivid descriptions of the horrors of the occupation and his passionate defense of freedom that in fact launched his public fame. Now, for the first time in English, Camus at "Combat" presents all of Camus" World War II resistance and early postwar writings published in Combat , the resistance newspaper where he served as editor-in-chief and editorial writer between 1944 and 1947. These 165 articles and editorials show how Camus" thinking evolved from support of a revolutionary transformation of...