Geography Mark–Up Language

Цена 69.83 - 109.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780470871546

Брэнд JW


Страниц 406

Год выпуска 2004

The development of the Internet has changed the environment for Geographical Information Systems (GIS), with the emphasis shifting from analysis to the sharing of data and information over the Internet thus making GIS more mobile and powerful. The Geography Mark–Up Language (GML) was developed as the standard language and is emerging as the foundation for Internet GIS. Geography Mark–Up Language: Foundation for the Geo–Web provides a broad coverage of the use of GML in different application areas, along with the technical means for building these applications. Starting from the basic concepts, this book works through all the important topics in both GML 2.0 and GML 3.0, with illustrations and worked examples to demonstrate its use. Organized into two sections, Volume I introduces readers to the new world of GML, and explains how it can be used across a broad range of GIS projects. It deals with the basic concepts of XML and GML, and enables readers to make decisions on the...