Globalization and Technology

Цена 76.82 - 79.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780745624563


Страниц 264

Год выпуска 2003

Globalization and technological innovation are interdependent processes. Globalization has a fundamental influence on the creation and diffusion of technology which, in turn, affects the interdependence of multinational corporations and where they locate their activities. In this book Rajneesh Narula examines the international aspect of this interdependence at two levels: first, between sites, by examining the role of cross–border initiatives in the innovation process; second, between corporate entities, by studying the dynamics of inter–firm collaboration in research and development. Narula explores an important paradox. On the one hand, locations and corporations are increasingly interdependent through supranational organizations, regional integration, strategic alliances, and the flow of investments, technologies, ideas and people. The boundaries of both corporations and states are increasingly porous and imprecise, because businesses use alliances and outsourcing,...