Key Performance Indicators (KPI): The 75 measures every manager needs to know (Financial Times Series)

Цена 16.93 - 66.56 USD

Short, practical overviews of the most useful Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for business in an easy-to-use format. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the vital navigation instruments used by every organisation to help them understand whether they are on a successful voyage or whether they are veering off the prosperous path. This book will make life easier for busy managers by identifying and describing the most powerful financial and non-financial KPIs. It defines them, explains how and when they should be used and provides a rich library of KPIs that have been proven to significantly improve performance. It presents case examples to illustrate the selection and use of the KPIs and provides tools such as KPI selection templates and Key Performance Questions to help readers apply the most appropriate KPIs effectively in their business. For ease of use, the KPIs are categorised according to the type of thing they measure. For each KPI, the book: Gives a detailed definition·...