Smart Things to Know About Lifelong Learning

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781841124254


Издатель Capstone

Вес 378 гр

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2003

Форма выпуска 170x210

Smart Things to Know About You may be equipped for today, but the typical worker is rarely prepared for tomorrow. It’s not unusual to become locked into the short–term thinking frame of mind that has been thrust upon us by rapid changing financial markets and fast–paced technological advances. We tend to allow changes to pass us by, rather than tackle them head on – or we decide to emotionally and psychologically ‘check out’ of work when it gets too tough. Smart managers know they need to wise up to the implications of a rapidly changing workplace. The reality is that we all have to update our skills and knowledge on a continuous basis. Failure to do so could, in extreme cases, leave you on the bap heap (a euphemistic term usually associated with… flipping burgers)! Smart Things to Know about Lifelong Learning will give you a deep understanding of the value of continuous learning, and will show you how best to turn it to your personal and organizational advantage. Andrew Holmes shows how easy (and...